an incomplete list of thoughts about travelling home for xmas

Emma Maguire
3 min readDec 19, 2021


[For context, I’m a spoonie — very chronically ill. This is not easy for me.]

  • I’m probably going to have a panic attack on the plane.
  • I’m definitely going to have a panic attack on the plane since I have every other time. Can’t wait for that.
  • Flights are over 400 bucks return for fully-refundable, but I can’t take the chance on not doing that.
  • I’m definitely going to have a panic attack on the plane.
  • Guess I’ll fast for the entire day pre-flight so my stomach doesn’t act up?
  • Maybe two days of nothing but really simple foods, but that likely won’t help.
  • I make jokes about living like this being an eating disorder but maybe it is.
  • It is fucking annoying to have a food-based intolerance disorder that doesn’t make you any skinnier.
  • I miss my home.
  • I miss my hometown.
  • I miss my cat so much.
  • It’s been three long years.
  • What if I gave COVID to my family?
  • What if I picked up COVID from my town?
  • An option where I don’t have to fly? That’s really good.
  • Or rather, an option where I spend two days in a car with someone who I like a lot but does not know at all about my health issues, and one night in a place with someone who I do not know at all (and as above).
  • What happens if I get sick on the road?
  • Do I have enough money to find alternative transport?
  • Can I even explain that to someone?
  • Can I even rationalise it to myself?
  • Will there be anything I can eat when I get home?
  • Will my body even let me eat after the displacement of travel?
  • How nauseous will I be in a place where I cannot escape?
  • I’ve had two panic attacks today thinking about this.
  • Shouting into the endless void and not wanting to ask for help because help is hard and help doesn’t get it.
  • I am so tired of not having any certainty in my life.
  • I am just going to be a burden upon my family.
  • I am so broken down and tired and thin at the seams.
  • Will my extended family harass me for being an artist like they do every time I see them?
  • Will they finally realise I’m queer and will I get harassed about that?
  • If I say ‘no I’m not coming this year’ I’ll just be letting people down.
  • I always let people down.
  • That’s all I ever think about and it eats away in the pit just beneath my heart every moment of every day.
  • I can’t live like this.
  • How do I get back here?
  • Will I have to fly back?
  • I would travel so much if New Zealand had a functioning railway system.
  • Kiwirail killed their long-distance trains this year so I guess I’m never travelling again because planes aren’t an option and neither is the Intercity bus.
  • This sucks.
  • I miss my home I miss my home I miss my home.
  • I went on Google Maps a couple of weeks back and wandered around my hometown for half an hour or so and everything’s changed.
  • Maybe I have too.
  • I want to leave this city. I can’t leave this city.
  • I feel its presence echo in my bones.
  • I’m trapped here.
  • I don’t know what to do.



Emma Maguire
Emma Maguire

Written by Emma Maguire

kiwi theatremaker and artist.

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